Do you have films that need a new home?

NEVER toss out motion picture film! Home movies are one-of-a-kind originals, irreplaceable documents of another era and culture. They are stories of their times and worthy of preservation. At the very least, have a digital transfer made.

Film has many enemies. It is an organic being, subject to deterioration through vinegar syndrome, which destroys the acetate base. Mildew and fungus can invade the image-containing emulsion. Scratches, torn sprockets, warping and other physical damage can be caused by improper storage, careless projection and improper handling.

Carl’s interest in preserving films goes back more than 50 years. He has purchased/salvaged several academic film collections and is always interested in acquiring films, particularly 16mm prints, that are otherwise in danger of being lost through neglect, disinterest, storage limitations or other issues.

Home movie releases by Blackhawk Films (super 8mm and 16mm), Castle, and similar distributors are of interest, as well. Please contact if you have these for sale. 440-415-3596.